Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I looked out the window and what did I see?

I wake up reluctant to face another long day of classes and work when I enter my kitchen and find THIS out my window! Where the heck am I? Narnia? It's freaking October! I believe that it has snowed in St. George about seven times in my entire life. Never in October!

My roommate Talysha just loves snow. She has grown up with it her entire life. She is immune to the cold. She is wearing a hoodie...that is all!

After much preparation and about an hour trying to get my boots on, I finally accumulated all of my layers. A long sleeve shirt, a vest, a hoodie, and a trench coat. I was still INCREDIBLY COLD! If I'm not warm wearing that many clothes I just don't know how I'm going to make it until December! Now I have to go test my driving skills. Great. I've already warned my dad that I have to drive to work and if I wreck he has to come save me. This should be interesting...


  1. Ha Ha Ha Ha! Dad has come and saved me before it wouldn't be his first time! You will be fine!!!! LOVE you and maybe you should get a REAL coat sorry to say those cute trench coats don't do anything but look cute. You need a real heavy duty warm coat. :) Yeah snow... it sure is pretty at first isn't it!!!!!! Enjoy it you wont be in it very long.

  2. You and Tay Tay should go throw some snow balls at people you don't know HA that would be way fun!

  3. HAHA NARNIA?! HILARIOUS! You look so adorable & yes a real coat is much warmer than a very stylish trench ha. That is insane! I never want to leave St. George. Snow is fun here! Not so much in other places. Good lucky my dear! Be careful driving. Find a hot guy thats a great snow driver w/ a truck so he can bring you home every other day. Does Winger have a truck? Or bank boy? Or hot boy that you passed the apple to? Pick the one w/ a truck!

  4. Dear Jessica... You make it sound like the snow is a sickness or a plague of some sort haha! I am not immune you dork I just know what fun weather is! And you will soon learn to love it just as I do! Tomorrow we will go make snow angels and throw snowballs at strangers and you will be able to see why I find the snow SO WONDERFUL!!! And you should just tell mr. bankman to come pick us up on saturday then invite him to the halloween party haha.

  5. You want me to introduce the bankman to my family on Halloween??? Haha you obviously don't know them very well! He would run away scared to death! Thanks for all the support bad I just bought jeans and have about twelve bucks in my bank account. No real coat for Jessica! But maybe I should invest in some gloves so I don't have to steal Talysha's for the rest of the year.

  6. I still think you should make a snowman and you should throw snowballs at any guy walking by. What are they going to do, yell at you. Try it! Enjoy the beauty of a snowstorm, it is a bit magical. New adventures had been abundant this week. Have fun at the Hhhhhoooooowwwwwwlllll. ooooo ooooo oooo ooo for this is Halloween! (in case you didn't get it, I was singing to you.

  7. Nathan said it snowed pretty much all day yesterday--how was your drive? If it helps any, Tim doesn't like snow/cold either. Good luck!

  8. Narnia! I almost pee peed. I, now, read aloud blogs to everyone in my house (whether they want to hear it or not--I hear crap all day I don't want to hear about). Mike's laughing the smile-only laugh.
    You should go sledding too...with a hot boy...
    and you should runnnnn and slideeee, it can be done anywhere and at anytime.
