Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Woa we're halfway there.. WOAH living on a prayer!

Thank you Bon Jovi for those incredibly inspiring lyrics. But seriously. I'm halfway done! Yes, I have made it through half of a semester of college away from home. Yes, I come home a minimum of twice a week. No, my classes aren't that hard. But seriously this has been some of the hardest eight weeks of my life. I am so bad at not being home in the place that I've known my entire life, and I miss it like crazy. But I've made it halfway! And with the amazing wonderful help of the Lord and all of my answered prayers, I think I can make it the rest of the way. Seriously, I have never had so many answered prayers and so many feelings of peace when I am freaking out. It is a good thing I have that help, because there is no way I could do this alone. My family thinks and knows that I am crazy and they are fine with me coming home. Even though I know they all wish that I could do this on my own. But hey, I'm not doing anything alone. I am wasting an awful lot of gas money and some seriously expensive rent to come home all the time!
This weekend is the thing that is bumming me out. My whole family gets to go up and have a Halloween party and watch Mike's football game, and I can't go because I have work on Saturday. And all of my roommates are either going home or to Vegas on vacation, and I can't go because I have work on Saturday. And I am so so so bummed. Thats the only word that can describe my feelings right now...bummed. Like I feel like a butt probably feels all the time. They just get sat on! And everybody hates theirs because it's too big or too flat! And it never looks the way you want it in jeans! That is me..just getting sat on and hated and not looking good in jeans. My family better have a lot of freaking fun to make up for the fun I am missing!


  1. HALELUJIA FOR MAKING HALF WAY! I think I am equally or more excited than you!!! WOO! You are doing so great you little Poopie pants:) Its okay to feel like a bum when your name originates there. I'm sorry you miss your awesome home and family so much. It could be worse... you could be at Yale.. or SLC. You can totally do this Jess. AND you are more than WELCOME to come chill w/ me & Derrick this weekend! WE will have fun and not be bums:) I love you! Call me.

  2. A butt? HA you kill me. You are doing great and this weekend will go fast and you will be ok. I really am so sorry that you have to work! It will be ok and Kristi will take care of you! Love you!!!! Talk to you later!

  3. I loved Jon Bon Jovi. I have a dance to teach you to Shot Through The Heart.

  4. oh my have no idea how much I want to learn that dance Kassie! You just made my day! Kristi I'm sorry to force you into hanging out with me, but i will accept regardless! Thank you!

  5. Love the bum analogy! It is totally true, bummer means I don't like it, or it is not as it should be, but your weekend wasn't nearly as bad as you expected (another answered prayer). See you at JJs birthday party.
