Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sunday School Moment

You know those stories they read you in sunday school, "On sunday Jane's friend invites her to go to a movie. She knows that she should keep the sabath day holy but she really wants to go to the movie and doesn't think it's that big of a deal. What should Jane do." I had that moment today. I found out that the movie my friends were going to see was rated R. I told them I didn't want to watch a rated R movie, she says well I'll just find someone to go with that doesn't care. I'm so not that person that judges people for watching rated R movies or eating out on Sunday, I really don't think it's that big of a deal. But I don't want to waste my "its not a big deal" excuse on a stupid movie like ZombieLand. Then the sunday school teacher tells you what happens. "Jane decided not to go to the movie and did something amazingly spiritual and felt so good and warm inside and now for the rest of her life she will be blessed." That is not how I feel. I'm not doing anything spiritual and I won't be getting any blessings for not going to a stupid movie. I just have nothing to do on a Saturday night. No awesome fun plans to tell the stupid kid that dumped me but still texts me all the time to complain about his busy crazy fun life...great! Stupid sunday school stories! LIES!
ha not really...but right now totally how I feel


  1. You are so much funnier than I have ever dreamed of being.

    You WILL be blessed! I am proud of you for doing what is right. Ha and I totally agree who wants to even watch that show... duh. You know what will really happen is they will feel stupid for going and tell you how smart you were for not going and how LAME they are!!!!! And Eric will leave you alone and some HOTTIE will ask you out and want to be your cuddle buddy while you are cold in Cedar. That is how you will be blessed.

  2. ha i wish! not and mom and dad watched a movie, they are my only friends! And I am totally fine with that!

  3. Jessica, A. You were true to yourself and didn't let peers pressure you. B. You were obedient to the things you have been taught. C. Others know where you stand even if they don't agree. D.Sometimes life just seems long, lonely and lame. Hang in there. I love you.

  4. Your title then the picture ... it was priceless. I'm laughing!

    Tell me when you get the blessing that are directly related to this no-seeing of Zombieland. Watch for them, you'll see them. ('them' being the blessings not the zombies).

  5. HAHAHAHA I'm dieing! Jess your freakin hilarious. Emily funny comment, mom- perfect sunday school really applies and is true response, Kassie- I love to see funnies through your eyes. I can picture you face. Jessica GOOD JOB! I totally had one of those moments once and I really did feel blessed! I was in 3rd grade. Jamie Read invited me to go to Wet N Wild! I'd never been, wanted to go real bad, but it was on a sunday. So after mom gave me the "it's your choice" I told her no, went to church, and oh yeah it was the PRIMARY PROGRAM, we sang "Scripture Power" and got to thrust our Books of Mormon up in the air while Lucy's large mom w/ squinty chubby happy eyes led us and I felt the spirit so strong and loved her happy squinty jolly eyes the whole time. Its true that ya gotta look for the blessings, they'll come. Even if the only blessing is that you said no to something stupid and thus when it comes time to saying no to something big, you have practiced and can stay true to yourself. Your hilarious. I love you so much. And I seriously miss your clothes/COATS!
