Saturday, November 21, 2009

I got a PACKAGE!

I get an email that says I have a package and to go pick it up in the post office. So on the way home from the gym I stop by. I see the most beautiful man in all of the land, who apparently is a future postal deliverer, working at the post office. I go up to the desk. Hi, I have a package. Now when talking to an amazing beauty, that is an awkward sentence! So he goes and looks around and can't find it for like ten minutes then finally he says oh, this must be it. Looks like you got some cereal. My package, beautifully wrapped in inside out christmas wrapping paper was a little bit on the torn up side. I smile thinking who is creative enough to send me mini cereals, my favorite, in wrapping paper! I should have known! My sister in law Kassie, along with some help from Brooks and Cael and of course my bro Mike sent me such an awesome Thanksgiving package I was seriously smiling the rest of the day!

My awesome drawing from Brooks, Caels is on the other side but I don't think I captured that with my camera...ooops! Don't worry it is now hanging on my bulliten board so I can look at it every day!

Mini cereals. Need I say more? I have consumed about half of them already! I LOVE CEREAL!

Christmas wrapping paper, it was inside out. I love my family and their supreme craftiness!

My face after receiving said package. If you can't tell, that is a very excited and happy face!
Thanks Mike Kass Brooks and Cael! I love you guys almost as much as I love my cereal! Haha just kidding you guys are way cooler than cereal!


  1. That is so sweet and cute oh my goodness. That picture is awesome too! We have such amazing family we are so lucky! Love ya.

    PS do your bangs need a trim or were they just not pushed over far enough? One eye only ha BUT very happy!!!!!!
    PPS that movie was funny HA ;)

  2. How freakin sweet is that! Our family is so awesome. Good job Kass & fam. Things like that really do make your life:) I love you Jess!
