Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Cooking Adventures of a College Student!

Leila grating some potatoes for our oh so fabulous cheesy potatoes a.k.a. funeral potatoes!

Yes, that is a potato in my hand! We actually cooked dinner, well technically it was a side dish, but we ate it as our main course. They did not turn out as good as my mom's but what can you do? Add more sour cream! Thats what we could have done!

Talysha actually found the recipe and did most of the actual making, but we were a good support system!

Pumpkin Pie! With the assistance of my beautiful homemaking mother, I made a freaking pie! From scratch! Well actually we bought the crust....and the pumpkin....but I mixed in the sugar and spice!

A really bad picture of me holding my masterpiece, my mom insisted on taking a picture of me even though I looked like crap. Well thats what you get! An ugly picture!


  1. You funny! Those were some good good tasting pies! I was so very impressed. Josh couldn't stop talking about them he wants you to make him another one :) I love that you guys tried to make something real it is good for you. The best thing is now you know what to do for next time. You don't look bad in your picture either you look VERY cute!

    Love ya have a fun weekend go sit by hotty that isn't engaged anymore at church and then ask him to come over for ice cream after. So make sure you buy ice cream saturday! It is a great idea. Tell Talysha to find her a hotty and do the same thing!!!! WOO

  2. Look at you ya grown up! That pie was YUM & I wish I got to taste the funeral potatoes. I LOVE THOSE! PS- You look super tiny, are you eating enough of this gourmet food your cooking? I love you poopie! Long time no see. Lets hang out!

  3. Lets do! I will be home tomorrow! Surprising huh! All the boys in my math class make fun of me cause I go home so much....i do not appreciate it! Sorry my family and home are so much cooler than yours and I'm not engaged like all of you old farts!

  4. umm pies. umm funeral potatoes. I love sour cream.

  5. Those 3 pies you made were wonderful. It made your dad so happy. I always make brownies or chocolate chip cookies. Hummmm, I didn't think I was selfish, but maybe I am. Want to cook dinner this weekend?
