Thursday, November 12, 2009

Awkward Encounter with a Boy!

Tuesday afternoon. I walk out of the institute building and to my surprise find the beautiful man in my ward that is no longer engaged to the girl from Boston named Jessica with the FBI family, standing right in front of me. We lock eyes. He is bending into his white car, i don't know why. I give him a quick "hey" and a nervous smile and walk bouncily away. I get to the cross walk preparing to wait and bask in the beautiful sunlight when all of the sudden, he's next to me. He says hey hows it going? I don't remember what I said back. He then asked me if I worked yesterday. In my head "no why? did you see me somewhere? were you planning on stalking me at deseret book and then decided not to cause I wasn't working? you would have been right!" Out loud "ha nope," the light comes on in my head, "Did you go to FHE?" He then tells me yes and that I should have come. I explain to him that me and dodgeball just do not go well together. I don't like when people throw things at me. I can't throw far enough to get anyone out. I tell him that I did not feel like embarrassing myself in front of our entire ward. He tells me "oh, we ended up playing volleyball." My next excuse- my roommate had shoulder surgery so she can't throw. If only it had come out that way. I tried about one thousand times to pronounce "shoulder surgery." It did not happen. He finally helped me out and we thankfully finished that part of our conversation. He then went on to tell me that his grandma lived in Santa Clara, my wonderful home town, and that Lake Mead basically no longer exists and you can see the town underneath it. Creepy! We are approching the library now. I'm on his left. I don't know where he is headed but i need to go right to get to my house. I try to slow so I can go behind him. It doesn't work. We awkwardly try to cross paths. He says "see you tomorrow in business class." I give him a "WOO" with the party hands and everything and then walk away. I instantly turn red and giggle the whole way home. Yes, I am a ten year old that is scared to talk to boys. Oh well, someday a man will appreciate my intense awkwardness. Until then I will just stalk people in my ward and at banks. That works just fine for me!


  1. haha Jessica you are so cute and funny!! At least you talked to him!! Good job cute girl

  2. Why'd him and FBI Boston girl break-up? I wonder if it was like Meet the Fockers. Let me tell you about awkward. I was never scared of boys unless I had a crush on them which only happened RARELY. Well, your brother was one of them. I would hide when I would see him. I literally could not breathe when I would see his lil' red truck. Once, as I was hiding underneath stairs, he hobbled (knee surgery victim) over and found me and asked me if I was hiding from him. I was like no. Like HE was the weird one. tee heee...
    Those awkward moments make the best reflection stories!

  3. You seriously should go into journalism and have a funny little column about your life HA. At least you tried and that is what matters. Also he keeps talking to you so obviously he is a bit smitten with your funny awkward self. Love you see you later. Don't freeze and drive safely!!!

  4. Oh I may pee that is so funny!!!!!!!!!! HAHA I laughed so hard. You are seriously HILARIOUS & an awesome story teller. And Jess, its okay to awkward when your cute & giggly, boys just think your flirting! Well done... sorry about the whole "shoulder surgery" struggle, thats a toughy. You are so Rory! I love it. I love you! Funny. Well done on flirting & good luck on your talk!!!!

  5. Jess, I was with you all afternoon and all night on Friday and you did not mention this awkward encounter. You were very busy writing a talk, however. That is funny! I guess you had better NOT miss anymore FHE. Just keep your little, innocent stalking up. Anymore plans for the bank guy?

  6. Oh my heck! You're hilarious!
    we have something in common...awkwardness...and stalking...I so do the same thing...I had the hugest crush on my bank teller and would find any reason to go to the at least once or twice a time I took money out at one ATM...then went to the bank to deposit it lame is that!
    Love you cousin! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh my heck speaking of stalking and men at the bank! I have totally been stalking my bankman for years! It kind of intensified when I saw him at Tuachan last month, maybe the stalking bank men gene just runs in our familiy!
