Monday, May 3, 2010


I feel how Brooks's face looks

I am done with finals! I am officially a sophomore in college and have no more studying or schooling to do for a whole month!

Narnia and I got hot chocolate and talked for like an hour. Magical. He made fun of me for telling him I was "almost 19," I gave him crap for being naturally athletic, it was a good time.

My whole crazy wonderful family was in the same place at the same time. I love them. A whole lot. My little nephews are the most adorable things in the world!

Cael finally remembered my name and didn't call me Krissica by the end of the trip.

I saw the winner of the Ironman as he transitioned from bike to marathon..crazy!

I got my bangs cut and now look like the pretty lady from Army Wives that used to be on Jag.

Its a GOOD day!


  1. Ha I love good days and when I feel like Brooks' face!

  2. Congratulations on being a Sophomore is college. That does sound grown up. Nah, you are still 18, still a child. Still my baby.

  3. Haha WOO GO TEAM! Love you. So glad life is good. You deserve it:)
