Saturday, January 16, 2010


In our culture, the loss of wisdom teeth is almost a right of passage. Once you have gone through the excruciating pain and the fat face, and for the most elect, dry sockets, you can officially say that you are no longer a child. Well lets just say, I am a freaking adult! Last Monday I went to the cute little asian's office for the removal of my childhood. When I woke up, to my great surprise, I was giggling like a four year old! Being the extreme crier that I am, I just expected to be one of the blubbering girls you see so often. NOPE! I was just laughing up a storm. Until my mom tried to get me to drink V8 Juice, I told her on no uncertain terms that I don't like tomatoes! And then had the best ice cream cone of my life. By the end of the week my face was feeling better and I could almost eat macaroni and cheese. So I go to school all week, the swelling getting less and less. The food getting more and more solid. When all of the sudden yesterday, the right side of my face is double the size it was when I got my teeth out! What the heck? Yes, I got a freaking infection and had pus leaking into my mouth!!! Not good! So now I'm on another set of drugs and I am just not very happy about the condition of my health! On top of all of that I had to get a tetanus shot and went to a really intense dance class that basically ripped every muscle in my body. I'm hoping that this long weekend will give me the chance to heal so I can walk and eat normal solid foods. And that is my excuse for not blogging in the past like month, so stop giving me crap! You know who you are!


  1. I'm sorry I just think your posts are so funny I miss them! Plus I am a stay at home mom with nothing cool going on so I live vicariously through my blogging friends. Thank you for the update but I think you should add some pictures so everyone gets to see how CUTE you looked. :) I love your guts and I am sorry about the infection and the pus NASTY!!!

  2. Thank you Emily for giving her crap! How am I to know your health is so frail!!? Sorry you got infected...
    I love you and hope both sets of cheeks heal soon!

  3. Hahah. You were SO HILARIOUS! What a fun experience. Thanks for being a funny wisdom-loser:) Hope your exudate (fancy term for pus) never returns! You did well pooper scooper! And PLEASE keep blogging.

  4. You were giggling like a 5 year old. You giggled and giggled. The nurse said she could not get you to stop, I could not get you to stop so we just laughed with you. I am so glad it is over and you can eat cereal again. I also know that YOU DO NOT LIKE TOMATOES. ha
