Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ice Skating!!!

Ha my awkward facial expression really expresses my emotions at this time! Ice skating is freaking hard! And I was so nervous and crappy! And they gave me the little girl skates with pink laces cause they knew that I was on the same level as the five year olds!
Notice the dissheveled bangs and curly hair...well lets just say it wasn't because of my incredible speed and skill! It was so cold my hair actually curled! And I'm pretty sure my toes got frost bite and are in the process of falling off.
Scary face...I know....but what do you do. And yes, that is an actual boy, in real life. Not just an ambiguous figure that I stalk at the bank and church events. I went on a date. Ha and it was a pretty funny one, I'm not gonna lie. First off, lets just remember how physically coordinated I am... Then lets think of how this kid that I went on a date with kept telling me, "Well, I'm just naturally pretty talented physically," and "my body fat percent was like the lowest in our school." And let's add the fact that I was on ice! But it really was super fun and I actually kind of got the hang of it after a while.....after like an hour and a half of him pulling me around the ice:)

Oh and just to add to the awesomeness of my dating experience...
1. My mom used to babysit him when he was little and I still vividly remember him climbing the huge pine tree in front of my house. He said he had absolutely no recollection of me.
2. When he came to pick me up my sister told us that she wanted a picture of him lifting me in true figure skating manner. He replied with a "Ya, I don't think I'm even close to that strong." For real. Out loud. In front of me and my mom and sister. Ouch.


  1. ha ha Dates are always for experience!! His 'not close to that strong..' comment is just because he was trying to stay humble but then later regret that you might think he' a wuss so recover with the 'lowest percent body fat..' comment!! ha!

    Looks like fun!!! GOOD JOB!! Your cheeks look perfect!

  2. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha it wasn't exactly like that but yeah he did say something to the fact that he wasn't that strong. He was very nice and even commented on how cute Cru was. Funny that we all remember him. I am glad you got to go try something new that is healthy for you!!!!!! LOVE YA

  3. Oh yes, I did babysit him when he was a little kid, but he did come to the door (he didn't text you and say "I'm here"; he was fun and nice; you had a good time; you learned a new sport; you looked cute with bright pink laces so the date was a success.

  4. HAHAHA you are hilarious and I'm so glad you blogged this! He is so much older than when he was 4! Weird how that happens:) Thats so fun Jess! And I LOVE people to state how awesome they are haha its entertaining at least. Good job. You look adorable and genuinly happy/beaming. You have a beautiful light about you poopie, very bright, sweet, innocent & genuine. I LOVE seeing you in school you big kid you!
