Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to School

First Day of School! My dear sister heard of this way cute tradition where the mom had all her kids write what grade they were going into and take pictures with their signs on their first day of school. Well, we decided to initiate this tradition on the first day of my sophomore year of college because Em's kids still have a while before they get into school. And we definitely had to add the "of college" for clarification because if anything i look younger now that I did when i was in high school!

My deceivingly joyful back to school face.

In the famous sing song words of Billy Madison: back to school, back to school, to prove to my daddy that i'm not a fool, i've got my shoes tied tight, my lunch packed right, i hope i don't get in a fight. But in my case it's more like back to school, because im a fool, and took summer classes which totally killed my break, and now im burnt out already and its been like five days! But that PB&J during my communications class really does make me feel better!


  1. Hahaha...uhhh not your best song ever, but funny- very funny. You are such a cute back-to-schooler:) I love you. Good luck!

  2. You should be a song writer!!!! Ha I hope it gets better. Once your tease test and cna are done it wont be so bad! Love and miss you!!!!!!

  3. You are half way to DONE. Go Jess!
