Tuesday, November 23, 2010


dress up surprise parties
cheerleaders :)

state champs!!!!
grown up slip n slides
fantasy football draft tough girls
synchronized swimming
pee wee football speed

boys ;)

Holy cow, where to begin. I love thanksgiving- I love football, and crunchy leaves, and eating until you are absolutely sick and then going to get seconds. But the true meaning of thanksgiving is to show and express gratitude for all the wonderfulness around us....so here is my ranting random grateful list for 2010:
1. Im grateful for my family. They are my people. They mean absolutely everything to me. I don't know who I would be without them.
2. Im grateful that my mom pretty much worked a full time job to pay for my dance and violin lessons, as an ungrateful brat of a child I don't think I ever recognized the sacrifices she was making for me. I do now, and I am so amazed!
3. Im grateful for six of the cutest nephews in the world. I love that they each have such distinctive personalities. I'm grateful that Mack was born on my birthday, that paxten loves to play cars with me and beat me in the homerun derby, that bo has the awesomest cheeks and lets me love on them, that cru says i love you caca in between telling me to stop singing, that cael finally remembered my name and didn't call me krisica even though that is also pretty awesomely funny, and that brooksie gives me awesome loves every time he sees me!
4. Im grateful that President Monson's smiling crinkley face is my screen saver, pure joy and a reminder that i should be doing good things.
5. Im grateful to work with the sweetest little ladies that are so nice and always give me awesome life advice and tell me not to get married.
6. Im grateful that I can dance and feel so happy and free and wonderful just from moving my body and creating something. For a long time I wasn't dancing for the right reasons and I was tearing myself down so much that I just was unhappy. I am so glad that I am fixed and can feel such joy by doing something that I've worked so hard at.
7. Im grateful that I can express my testimony through music. I'm not good and bearing my testimony in church, I think its hard and awkward to say what I mean and have it make any sense to people outside of my head. But when I can play it, I can feel and show those emotions and it just works out so much better.
8. Im grateful that i am approximately ten days away from finishing the Book of Mormon for the second time. Wow I actually understand why they always tell you to read your scriptures. It really does make you have a better day and you really can learn about the gospel and it really isn't this boring unapplicable to your life book, its a miracle! And it definitely has built my testimony so much!
9. Im grateful that I have more friends than I realize. Me and my dad always joke that I have no friends because I don't really hang out with anyone...like ever. But I really do have people in my life that I care about that would help me and be there for me. I have friends at school and I have friends from high school and I have the best family ever, Im really kind of a lucky kid.
10. Im grateful for crunchy leaves, nail polish, big fluffy bed spreads, big fluffy clouds, an awesome guessing on tests accuracy, my i pod shuffle mode knowing exactly what I want to listen to, halloween, tv shows i like, st george weather, getting into nursing school, trench coats, steve madden heels, chocolate chip cookies, slip n slides, cancer survivors, mascara, back massage tradesies, school vacations, swimming, finding a brand of jeans that fit my booty, football, the church of jesus christ of latter day saints, and (maybe my most grateful item) HOME.


  1. I have tears...
    I feel the same way. We really are so lucky and so blessed! I love how much you appreciate things in your life, that is a gift. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and even though half of us wont be there... just think at least you have some family to eat with and you aren't all alone. :) LOVE YOU!!

  2. half? all! just me and the parentals! oh goodness the sad life of the loser last child!

  3. Sooo Cute, Kristica.

    I love that you 'bear your testimony' through music. I've never thought of it that way.

  4. There is a scripture that says something about our greatest joy is to see our children walk in truth - I feel great joy from my children. Thanks, Jessica for all the wonders you share with our family. I loved listening to you play "I Stand All Amazed" at your singles ward. It was a beautiful testimony!

  5. What a beautiful thanksgiving ode! Oh my gosh... Krisica was priceless. I too am grateful for these things. I think thats SO awesome and uplifting that you are about to finish the Book of Mormon again and have the prophet as your screen savor! What a good little girl you are. You will need the strength of scripture of prophetal guidance when you start difficult nursing school. I'm so thankful for you my little sister:) I love you.
