I held someone's brain in my hands today. Their entire reality. All of their thoughts, memories, actions, dreams, plans, and so much more. In my hands. I can name all of the parts. Seriously quiz me, I am not kidding around with my anatomy studying! But it just blows my mind! I am sitting here blogging on my computer...my brain is facilitating my writing and comprehension and finger movements and my vision, and color recognition, and object recognition, and my background thoughts of beautiful men, and the background song in my head that never really goes away. Holy Cammoley! It is just beyond my comprehension how all of this works! We are smart, loving, able people because of this grey matter in our heads...it just freaks me right out! Maybe I should become a student of the philosophy of life cause there is some seriously deep thought going on in my brain right now. Weird. But I like it.
4 years ago