For some reason summer means that I go over two weeks without doing my laundry. I just let it pile up and pile up, which is nice because by the time half of my wardrobe is in my hamper I finally have enough hangers for all my clothes, but is not so nice on days like today. My only inspiration to do laundry is when i run out of clean panties. Usually I can time it pretty well and I don't actually run out. Today was a close call. The only pair I had left were those cheeky kind, you know the ones that are straight in the back so your bummy kind of hangs out the bottom. I would never intentionally buy this type of undergarment. My butt is way too big to need to hang out the bottom of my panties on purpose, but my best friend gave them to me for christmas in high school and obviously they haven't gotten a ton of action so I kept them longer than the average pair of underwear. So i wear my cheeky panties to school and the instant I get out of my car I have the biggest weggie in the entire world. Like i was worried my panties were going to come out the top of my pants it was so bad. And I'm walking around campus and all I can think is.... I've got a weggie, I've got a weggie, I've got a weggie hey hey hey hey ( you know, alph alpha style). Which means I am walking around by myself laughing at the thoughts in my head and people are looking at me funny, and I don't know if it's because they can tell I have a weggie or if they just think I am a crazy schizophrenic that laughs at nothing while they aimlessly roam around. Either way it makes for an uncomfortable day. Next time I am really going to try and do my laundry before i run out of panties. But lets be honest, weggie undies are better than no undies at all!